Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Bargaining Update

Coalition Table
 In the last sessions, office coordinator reclassification was discussed including a sidebar with Parks and management for detailed talks on a draft Classification that includes all the duties our OCs do along with a newly proposed wage.   Thanks to all the Parks OCs who attended the session where Barb did her presentation on the reclass.  More to come on this topic

Other Parks specific proposals included a presentation on a Boot Reimbursement language upgrade to include other types of boots and our proposal for 66.3 to expand the seasonal definition to allow Parks seasonals to carry up to 40 hours of vacation into the next season.   We received immediate responses for both proposals from management giving us a good idea we may have a long fight ahead of us.

This upcoming session will be next Tuesday April 16th at the OPRD Headquarter.   We will be presenting our differential proposals, included our Parks Shift Lead Differential.   Hopefully we can finish up all our proposal presentations by next session so we can start getting counters and responses from management (when the work really begins).

Central Table
 Our people on central table have been discussing many concepts proposed by both parties but so far management is not considering anymore furloughs or step freezes in the next contract.  However, no other economics will be discussed until May after the State’s budget plan has been ratified.  

An interesting example of a concept proposed by management  is to increase Trial Service to 1 full year.  They’re supporting argument is because of the lack of managers (after the 11:1 manager/employee ratio was implemented) they have to extend the time allowed so they can have enough time to evaluate whether or not those employees will be moved into regular status.  Really?