Thursday, May 1, 2014

Upcoming Labor Management meeting this Month

LMC update:  Your Local 733 leadership will be meeting with management on May 14th to discuss a number of issues, including the continued topic of Hosts/volunteers performing Ranger work per Letter of Agreement 00.00-13-237.  

Parks Volunteers (OPRD)
The Parties mutually agree volunteers are an integral part of Oregon

Parks and Recreation Department’s (OPRD) service delivery model

and that volunteer work assignments must be made to complement

and augment employee work assignments, rather than replace or

duplicate them.

The Parties agree to use the OPRD Labor/Management Committee

(LMC) forum to meet and discuss strategies for ensuring this message

is communicated consistently across the Agency. The LMC’s

recommendations will follow their normal course.


Election Results for 2014

Thanks to all who participated in the elections this year.  Here are the results:

President - Peggy Rinck
Vice president - Dan Icklan
Secretary/Treasurer - Barbara Lakey
Bargaining Delegates - President / Vice President / Elected Position Steve Hernandez
General Council Delegates -President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer.  Elected Positions Matt Brown, Teresa BoesAltrernate Serving Matt Baum