Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bargaining Update detail

If you haven’t already heard ODOT Coalition Bargaining is finished but Central Table Bargaining continues while we work without a contract (expired June 30th)! Below is a summary of article changes that will affect OPRD employees when contract negotiations are completed. Remember, these new article changes were based upon the bargaining surveys that you (members) turned in several months ago and communication with members in the field.

Article 10.3ABE
Gained one additional steward position: Allows us to nominate a “Chief Steward” at a worksite even if the MU already has a steward, creates a chain of leadership for tackling complicated grievances /issues

Article 45.3AB
Eliminated State Fair Language regarding filling of vacancies, to consolidate into Parks language

Article 58.3
Holiday Language Change: Adopts most of LOA that gives comp for non-M-F workers whose holiday falls on regular day off. Otherwise holidays observed on actual except for M-F worker observe Sat holidays on Friday and Sunday holidays on Monday

We (your delegates) decided to go along with what ODOT proposed in regards to Holiday language.

Article 66.3
Includes Parks in Section 1 allowing seasonals to carry over vacation into next season HOWEVER this only includes seasonals that do not have a break between seasons for more than 17 days. We tried to redefine the break between seasons to include OPRD seasonals, but no movement maybe next time.

Letter of Agreement 66.3B (summary not exact language)
Allow Parks full-time permanent employees to use up to 1 week of vacation for the season of they’re choice. Agency will grant requests of more than 1 week when the workload of the unit will permit.

This language will allow Rangers to have a week of vacation at parks that have “blackouts,” Parks that don’t allow staff to take time off during certain seasons. This LOA mirrors Section 3 of 66.3. Management wanted to include “based on Operation Need,” but after repeated debate they proposed “mutual agreement between employee and supervisor.” Your manager cannot arbitrarily deny vacation during any season!

Article 122.3AB Section 3
Boot reimbursement: Increase from $100 to $175, includes for “repair of.” Rest of section remains the same including the safety-toe boot requirement. We worked hard to remove the Safety-toe language to include other types of work boots, but they would not move on this issue.

However, they did agree to an LOA of which each summer season at the Safety Review board boot reimbursement eligibility and how to apply for it will be discussed and these minutes will be posted on work crew message boards at every MU.

What’s next?
Bargaining delegates, stewards, and union officers will be meeting on July 23rd in Portland to talk about what direction we should take with our current contract negotiations.

Since we are currently operating without a contract, there are certain activities which are prohibited or suspended at this time. Standard labor laws are still in effect but movement on grievances and the use of state email for union communication, for example, will be suspended at this time. Further details on this subject may be posted.

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